Section 4. Supporting Activities
Without restricting or enlarging in any way the purposes or operations of the Association as stated in Section 1 above, the Association declares that it is dedicated to the protection, and continued improvement of the beautiful and unique Interlochen area in Grand Traverse County, Michigan and to that end the Association shall undertake the following activities:
Promote the improvement of, and to sponsor and engage in the scientific testing of, the quality of the waters constituting The Lakes.
Publish and otherwise disseminate information concerning such water quality tests and other educational and instructional information concerning water quality, the prevention and control of pollution, and the protection of the environment and natural resources in the area of The Lakes in the interests of public safety, the education of its members and the general public, and the general welfare of the Lakes.
Sponsor and conduct continuing programs to control issues which inhibit the use and enjoyment of The Lakes for recreational purposes,
Make available to its members and the public educational and instructional information concerning such matters for their safety and well-being. (Including but not limited to aquatic invasive species educational activities at public boat launches).
Work with federal, state and local organizations and universities to distribute educational information and collect survey information for The Lakes concerning parasites and vegetation.
Perform yearly aquatic vegetation surveys on appropriate portions of The Lakes.
Promote programs of water and boating safety and publish and otherwise disseminate information of an educational nature encouraging the safe and prudent enjoyment of The Lakes.
Monitor water levels at the Duck Lake Dam and advise DNR, EGLE, and the Grand Traverse Drain Commissioner when Duck Lake water levels are not in accordance with orders of the Circuit Court of Grand Traverse County or dam issues are affecting enjoyment of The Lakes. The Association Board of Directors is responsible for notifications to the appropriate agencies.
Monitor existing and proposed policies, laws and regulations of federal, state and local governmental bodies and agencies which affect the objectives, purposes and activities of the Association; as well as to advise, consult and cooperate with the following agencies as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors: (NOTE: The Association shall not engage in political campaigns for candidates for office.)
Michigan Department of Health
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Michigan Department of Natural Resource
Michigan Department of Commerce
Water Resources Commission
County Health Department
National Park Service
State Universities
Research organizations
Other lake associations
Other governmental township, county, state and federal agencies